We stand for equality of all kinds and hope to create classes, spaces, and events, that empower and excite all people. We want you to have new opportunities, learn new things, and be able to meet new people. We believe in humour and the power of not taking oneself too seriously. We believe that you should be able to unwind in an environment where you can see and participate in something awesome. We ask you to remember that;

This environment is for everyone

Regardless of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, religion. This is not a definitive list, everyone is welcome to participate fully –  harassment, bullying or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

Safety is a priority

Please use your full range of senses to protect yourself and the rest of the community, both on and off the dance floor.

You are welcome to say “no”

To a dance or any interaction with anyone at any time, and you don’t need to give an explanation. By the same token, if someone doesn’t want to interact with you, for whatever reason (or no reason!) that’s their business – be gracious and move on.

And they're a great way to meet new people, but they’re not pick-up joints. Please keep your interactions friendly and respectful.

Our classes and events are social

It’s OK to let your dance partner know if a move or connection feels uncomfortable. If you are given this kind of feedback take it on board and accommodate for your partner. Please don’t offer unsolicited advice otherwise –  even with the best intentions this can be unhelpful. Focus on improving your own dancing instead.

you should Communicate respectfully


We hope that everyone will feel comfortable speaking up about violations of this Code of Conduct. If you or someone you know have felt uncomfortable as a result of the actions of anyone (including students, teachers, musicians) at our events or classes, please let us or a community volunteer know right away. We will ensure that your confidentiality is upheld and we will take the appropriate steps to deal with the situation, whatever it is. We will support you. Your courage in coming forward can keep incidents from being repeated.